It is New Year's Eve and just as yesterday, this is a holiday market devoid of significant news and we are heading into the month-end and year-end where we can expect institutions to dress-up and close their books as SM goes on an order-hunt to complete their business for the year.
I'm not doing a review today for obvious reasons and am still holding a long AudNzd position taken yesterday from 1.0430 which is now a "free" trade at +35pips. I'm not decided whether to close and take profit tonight or to just let it carry....
Anyway, it has been a very interesting year, one for which I am thankful to the various people who had requested me to teach them how to trade, subsequently giving birth to the VSAnalytiks Forex Course.
Thanks also to my regular readers and visitors to this blog, for your kind words of encouragement and honest feedback. For those folk that read the blog and have not yet achieved consistent profits, I would suggest that seriously considering investing in yourself by getting proper training and mentoring to get out of that vicious cycle of false hope and despair. You are most welcome to join me, of course!
Most of all, I'm thankful to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for blessing me with ability to trade well and impart that critical knowledge for my students to succeed in consistently good profits.
Finally, I wish all my readers a very
Yours truly,
Trek Trader
Posted 7.25 am EST 31 Dec 2014